Monday 30 April 2012

Gareth Pugh

I have said that I want at least one of my designs to have an architectural aspect. I have researched the English fashion designer Gareth Pugh, whose style is also very architectural. He experiments with form and volume a lot. I have analysed a select few of my favourite designs.

The shoulder pads and skirt are very sculptural. These forms are similar to my designs when I experimented with folding paper. The shoulder pads make the model look strong and defiant. The sculptural style has a huge impact.

The neck ruff makes the outfit look very theatrical. I like the way he has experimented with form by significantly exaggerating the hips. This is similar to one of my initial designs where I expanded the hips and shoulders.

I love the sharp angles and pyramid shapes incorporated into this design. I also experiment with pyramid shapes with folded paper. I think they give a very strong and fierce visual impact.

The edges are softer in this design. I like how he has experimented with unconventional methods of creating shape and volume (air filled bags). I like how he alters the human form with clothes while still creating a very attractive silhouette.

The structures in this design look very rigid. It reminds me of my scaffolding design as it uses stiff materials rather than conventional materials to create a solid structure. I like the way lines have been used to create a new form. I like the unconventional structures that have been added to the body.

1 comment:

  1. i want dress 1 as my wedding dress btw ☺ excellant observations! As a former model of the Rick Owens corp, i enjoy reading the opinions of other like minded folk. my only question is, are these pieces ever available for purchase?
