Tuesday 17 April 2012

Initial Ideas Feedback

Today I went through my initial designs with my peers and tutors and gained feedback. I ran through my designs with one of my tutors first. In my sketch book I have labelled my outfit designs and makeup designs by number and I shall be referring to them as so.

  • My tutor thought I had a lot of interesting ideas and they could all be very exciting if I developed them
  • He thought he recognised a pattern where most of the concepts behind the "runaway" designs were about falling apart and most of the concepts behind the "cancer" designs were about holding things together. A possibility is to develop the theme further and have two contrasting photo shoots where in one the imagery is about things being torn apart and in the other the imagery is about things being held together.
  • We both agreed that makeup design 2 (runaway - animal concept) was not strong and I should eliminate it.
  • We both agreed that outfit design 1 (runaway - umbilical cord concept) was one of my strongest ideas.
  • All my makeup and outfit designs are separate at the moment. We agreed that to develop my ideas I need to think about how the makeup and outfit will compliment and correlate with each other.
  • We agreed that makeup designs 3, 4 and 5 (cancer - fading away concept) were some of my strongest designs. I should develop these designs and experiment with makeup. Maybe I could incorporate elements from all three. However, I think each design looks final as it is. Maybe I could choose the strongest of the three and incorporate small elements of the other two.
  • We both liked the concept of the smashed glass makeup. However, I don't like the way I designed it. I think it could look great visually if I experimented with the arrangement of the design.
  • My tutor, pointed out that outfit designs 3, 4, 6 and 7 (runaway outfits) have similar concepts but have been explored in different ways. I think I should choose the strongest out of these four to develop further.
  • For my "runaway" ideas I think my outfit designs are the strongest. I think I should focus on these the most then develop the makeup design around this so it complements the outfit.
  • For the "cancer" designs I think my makeup designs are the strongest. I think I should focus on these the most then develop the outfit design around this so it compliments the makeup.
  • I am eager to test out different ideas and experiment with makeup and fabric. I should experiment with my strongest ideas first.
  • We agreed that outfit designs 8, 9 and 10 were strong.
From this initial discussion with my tutor I have determined which are my strongest designs and have eliminated the weaker ones from further consideration. I have eliminated outfit designs 2 and 5 and makeup designs 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 10.

Next I gained feedback on my chosen designs from 9 of my peers. I asked each of them whether they liked the design, what they liked about it, what they didn't, and what/how could I improve/develop? I also asked what their favourite makeup design was out of 3, 4 and 5 because they are all strong designs and similar in concept. I asked why that design was their favourite, and how I could develop upon it. I also asked what their favourite outfit design was out of 3, 4 and 5 because they are all strong designs and similar in concept. I also asked which outfit they preferred out of 8, 9 and 10 because they are all strong designs in my opinion and are each for the cancer theme. I made it clear that I liked the concept of makeup design 9 (shattered glass concept) but that I did not like my design. I asked them whether they liked the concept, whether they think it would work visually if I experimented with it more, and how could I develop/improve on it.

Peer Feedback 1:
  • Outfit 1: likes the colour, likes the long trails of fabric, likes the fact that the dress is short, can't think of any improvements.
  • Makeup 3: favourite out of 3, 4, and 5, likes the doll like effect, it's different, likes the cracks on face
  • Outfit 6: favourite out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, it's her style, likes the feathers, it's eccentric
  • Outfit 9: favourite out of 8, 9 and 10, looks like a whirl wind (this is what I was going for), it's different, looks really cool and pretty.
  • Makeup 9: Likes glass effect, it's cool, it's different, it's clever, maybe the design shouldn't cover the entire face, maybe just the side of face, could incorporate into design
Peer Feedback 2:
  • Outfit 1: really like design and concept, I should make it really gory and disturbing so the depiction of the umbilical cord is clear, maybe show midriff and have one trail of fabric larger than the others to make umbilical cord concept even clearer.
  • Makeup 3: favourite out of 3, 4, and 5, like cracks in face, it's different, think it will look quite creepy because porcelain dolls are quite creepy, interesting concept.
  • Makeup 4: ghostly makeup to express cancer theme - too cliche, too obvious
  • Makeup 5: concept is interesting, prefers makeup 3 visually, might just be the way I've sketched this design, concept would be interesting to develop and experiment with, if I can visualise it and experiment to get it looking good, then it could work really well.
  • Outfit 3: really like design but thinks the runaway concept might not come across clearly, might be mistaken for a different concept.
  • Outfit 4: concept is most clear out of outfit designs 3, 4, 6 and 7, likes concept of trying to repair but you will always see the damage, also looks like a survivor/fighter, links to living on streets, traveller.
  • Outfit 6: concept not clear enough
  • Outfit 7: one of favourite designs visually out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, likes my concept behind it but thinks it might not come across clearly in design, thinks concept is likely to get lost and mistaken for something else, look not original enough, looks too much like punk, easily mistaken for just a punk image, already been done before, or it could just look like a homeless person which is too literal of an interpretation of the theme, not conceptual enough.
  • Outfit 8: really likes concept, likes the design visually, looks avant-garde but not sure concept comes across clearly, doesn't say cancer.
  • Outfit 10: really likes design and concept, really likes concept of scaffolding linked with support because that is a core element of a cancer experience; support from family and friends, avant-garde, very conceptual, would work well with makeup 3 (porcelain doll makeup)
  • Makeup 9: really likes design and concept, should experiment and develop, could look really cool, maybe glass effect should cover smaller part of face for more balance.
Peer Feedback 3:
  • Outfit 1: creepy design idea, they're always the best (more striking and interesting), should make it really bloody for strong visual impact, really clever concept, like the umbilical cord idea, obvious idea would be to go for chains to represent being bound which has been overdone so many times, likes how the umbilical cord concept also ties in with the relationship with the mother, this is really different, shocking, and striking.
  • Makeup 3: really likes design, creepy yet pretty, however, doll makeup done many times before.
  • Makeup 4: ghost makeup too cliche, been done before
  • Makeup 5: favourite out of 3, 4 and 5, really like design and concept, peeling wall paper is different, haven't seen makeup like that done before, develop and experiment with makeup and sticking pieces on, think it would be visually striking.
  • Outfit 3: favourite design out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, like that it feels random, likes it because it feels eclectic, avant-garde, likes that it's colourful, clearly reflects traveller.
  • Outfit 4: likes the concept and how you can see how they're trying to repair but you will always see the damage.
  • Outfit 9: favourite out of 8, 9 and 10 because it's so pretty.
  • Makeup 9: cool concept, maybe work with and experiment to get it how I want visually, maybe have lines faded and less prominent so look is not so overpowering.
Peer Feedback 4:
  • Outfit 1: strong concept, very clever, like how it's wrapped around neck, what I am trying to represent is very clear, umbilical cord should be really long.
  • Makeup 3: really like design, represents cancer well, should choose between 3 and 4, likes crack effect, really likes design visually, really pretty.
  • Makeup 4: really likes design, should choose between 3 and 4.
  • Makeup 5: don't like as much as 3 and 4, doesn't think concept is as clear.
  • Outfit 3: joint favourite out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, represent concept and subject most clearly, outfit explains why she is that way; poor, homeless, life a shambles, so random ensemble of clothes, design is balanced visually.
  • Outfit 4: joint favourite out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, like concept and design; how trying to repair but damage still visible, doesn't think concept is as clear as 3, may need to explain concept, good idea, likes how it looks.
  • Outfit 6: concept not clear enough.
  • Outfit 8: interesting and strong visually.
  • Outfit 9: too "fashion show", too perfect & focused on being pretty, not avant-garde or different enough.
  • Outfit 10: favourite out of 8, 9 and 10, thinks I should go with this idea, design clearly shows scaffolding & clearly represents support, likes connection with friends and family support, different, haven't seen it done before, works really well with makeup 3, 4 and 5 ("fragile" makeup concepts), looks hard to make, need to do a lot of research on making.
  • Makeup 9: likes concept, would look good if I developed it, should incorporate a bit of glass/mirror in outfit to compliment design, or extend glass makeup to body; neck and chest.
Tutor Feedback:
I went back to my tutor from before and asked him the same questions on my designs as I did my peers.
  • Outfit 1: likes design, interesting, exciting, different, interesting concept; umbilical cord and bound to mother, need to develop and experiment.
  • Makeup 3: likes design.
  • Makeup 5: favourite out of 3, 4 and 5, unusual, different, most interesting to develop, unconventional makeup, hasn't been done much in makeup before, exciting, really likes sketch.
  • Outfit 3: favourite design visually out of 3, 4, 6 and 7.
  • Outfit 4: likes design and concept, another favourite out of 3, 4, 6 and 7.
  • Outfit 10: favourite out of 8, 9 and 10, strong concept, very different, unconventional, interesting, exciting.
  • Makeup 9: I explained to my tutor that I liked the concept of the shattered glass but didn't like my design, he agreed that the concept was strong and it could look good if I developed and experimented with the concept.
Peer Feedback 5:
  • Outfit 1: cool, interesting, likes the idea of umbilical cord, can't see where it can be improved.
  • Makeup 3: really likes design, slight preference to this design out of 3, 4 and 5, thinks each of these designs/concepts are really strong and are all relevant to and representative of cancer patient, thinks I should develop and combine elements of designs 3, 4 and 5 into one design because likes aspects of each, would look very strong visually with combined designs, maybe design 3 override the others.
  • Makeup 4: really likes design.
  • Makeup 5: really likes design.
  • Outfit 4: favourite out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, likes the patches concept, thinks stitches should be unravelling, should combine this aspect with umbilical chord (outfit 1), really likes design.
  • Outfit 6: likes the feathers.
  • Outfit 9: really likes design but too elegant, not the style I am going for.
  • Outfit 10: favourite out of 8, 9 and 10, really drawn to design, likes concept, interesting, unusual, haven't seen something like it before, avant-garde, good representation of theme, works well with makeup designs 3, 4 and 5 ("fragile" makeup concept).
  • Makeup 9: likes design, looks interesting, looks like a web.
Peer Feedback 6:
  • Outfit 1: really likes concept of umbilical cord and being bound to mother, what fabric will I be using? - develop, really likes how I've tied umbilical cord design into family relationships, very strong conceptually, unconventional, can't say how it could be improved, should start thinking about experimenting.
  • Makeup 3: likes this design, cracks look really good, this design would be good for a beauty shot but cracks and doll makeup have been done before so many times in makeup, should go for something more creative & unconventional, very simple makeup, does not stretch my skills.
  • Makeup 5: favourite design out of 3, 4 and 5, would look the strongest visually when complete, haven't seen it done before, would stretch creativity, unconventional, should go for this idea, more artistic & creative, would need to experiment a lot, would allow me to stretch and showcase my makeup skills more than other designs, how will the makeup be done? Stick pieces on? - need to develop this.
  • Outfit 3: favourite out of 3, 4, 6 and 7, really strong design, avant-garde, creative, artistic, how am I going to assemble/source materials - need to think about this, visually striking, would look good if I developed it, likes the trashy look, random, strongest visually out of 3, 4, 6 and 7.
  • Outfit 4: didn't like this design, looks too much like a costume, called it a "stylish Halloween costume".
  • Outfit 6: looks too organised, well put together, too calculated, looks too much like a casual, everyday fashion outfit, although I am creating a fashion image, I want to be more conceptual, artistic & avant-garde, could probably see some eccentric person walking around London like this.
  • Outfit 7: looks too "planned", too thought about, too calculated, could probably see many people dressed like that in places like Camden, seen looks like this many times before, not got shock or wow factor, doesn't make a big enough impact, everyday fashion outfit, not for big photo shoot, too casual, if you did do this design - add more colour, not just black - too bland.
  • Outfit 9: too elegant.
  • Outfit 10: very strong visually, like concept, like how I've linked in support & family, very unconventional, different, creative, would work really well.
  • Makeup 9: looks too much like a spider web, could work if I developed concept, peeling wall paper design is much stronger.

By this point I could see that some of my designs were clear favourites and others were not thought of as very strong by most people. Taking on people's opinions on board, I decided to eliminate more designs from further development. I eliminated makeup design 4. I agree with my peers that the ghostly/dead makeup design is too predictable for the cancer theme. However I do agree that it is a very nice design and I may choose to incorporate some elements into my developed designs. I have eliminated outfit designs 6 and 7. I agree that they do not reflect "runaway" strongly enough and they are not incredibly original. I eliminated outfit design 8. People did not take a lot of interest design and I do not think it portrays cancer strongly. I eliminated outfit design 9. Although it is conceptual and very beautifully designed, it is too elegant and does not have the right aesthetic for my photo shoot.

Peer Feedback 7:
  • Outfit 1: really likes idea of umbilical cord and pulling, visually strong, could easily visualise it, knew exactly what I was talking about, as I was describing it, likes the colours, develop and experiment with colour.
  • Makeup 3: favourite out of 3 and 5, really likes design, definitely conveys fragility, likes crack effect, crack reminds her of a growth - relates to cancer.
  • Makeup 5: likes design and idea, think it's strong, don't like it as much as makeup design 3, colours a bit dull, develop colours, fragility definitely comes across.
  • Outfit 3: favourite out of 3 and 4, really like design, very visually strong, striking, stronger visually than outfit 1 but really likes concept behind outfit 1, if I combined elements from both designs - would be a really strong design.
  • Outfit 4: likes the stitching feature.
  • Outfit 10: really like idea, interesting, unusual, develop and experiment, with shape of scaffolding, don't really like shape now, develop & experiment - how are you going to make scaffolding? Would look good with makeup 3 and 5 (fragile).
  • Makeup 9: not as strong as designs 3 and 5, they express fragility much more which represents cancer well, the colours have quite a cool tone though, maybe if I toned colours down a bit - might look more fragile.
Peer Feedback 8:
  • Outfit 1: cool, interesting, like the ideas of umbilical cord, can't see where it can be improved,
  • Makeup 5: favourite out of 3 and 5, really like peeling wallpaper design - represents cancer more clearly than cracks - slowly peeling, fading away, gradual process, cracks are more sudden.
  • Outfit 3: really likes design, favourite out of 3 and 4, very visually strong, out of everything on page, eyes instantly drawn to this image, likes use of colours, like that there's a lot going on, very busy, not boring, visually interesting/stimulating, experiment with how I will assemble items to make outfit, visually stronger than outfit design 1, but design 1 has stronger concept, combine the two.
  • Outfit 10: good concept, looks a bit bland at the moment, needs more going on - develop.
  • Makeup 9: don't think cracked glass design is that great, other cancer makeup looks are much stronger, could I develop it to make it better? Makeup designs 3 and 5 are better representations of cancer.
Peer Feedback 9:
  • Outfit 1: really likes the concept of the umbilical cord and the ties to family and the pulling and strangling at the subject - even though they want to escape, it is difficult, the design is visually strong and interesting
  • Makeup 5: favourite out of 3 and 5, really likes peeling wall paper design - interesting, thinks the design also conveys that even though the subject is weakening and crumbling, there is still personality and substance inside, whereas the porcelain doll is empty inside. (I really like this interpretation).
  • Outfit 4: favourite out of 3 and 4, liked the concept of trying to repair damage but being unable to, however, likes concept of outfit design 1 better - stronger, likes the link to back story.
  • Outfit 10: likes the concept of support from family and friends and how it's represented by scaffolding - how will you represent family and friends? Develop shape of scaffolding, colours and design are a bit bland and empty but may be made more interesting when makeup is added, develop and expand on different elements, would look really good with wall paper makeup - there would also be a link because scaffolding and wallpaper relates to housing but there would be a nice contrast - while one is falling apart, the other is trying to hold everything together.

Tutor Feedback:

I ran through my ideas with a second tutor. She thought I had some strong designs but not nearly enough for the initial design phase. She told me I should have 25 outfit designs for each theme and 10 makeup designs for each theme. This will give me a greater choice of ideas to develop and strengthen my potential of producing a strong design. I have already designed 6 outfits for the runaway theme; I will design 19 more. I have designed 4 outfits for the cancer theme; I will design 21 more. I have designed 5 makeup designs for both the runaway and cancer themes; I will design 5 more or each.

She also told me that my research into the emotive and personal aspect of the themes was strong but I should also do some factual research to strengthen my designs. I will go away and do this then generate more designs.

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